Biblical Equity in Africa: Operationalizing and Mainstreaming Selected Pauline Texts on Mutual Gender Relations in the Africa church


Kabiro wa Gatumu


Gender disparity is a global problem, though widespread in African society. It is more pervasive in African churches due to the influence of African culture and religion as well as misinterpretation of some selected Pauline text. However, these texts now have been given a liberative reading, which rejects the alleged superiority and elevation of men and the inferiority and subordination of women. Through the use of documented evidence, the article shows that the African church seems to have a problem in operationalizing and mainstreaming the new re-interpretation of the selected Pauline texts so as to facilitate biblical gender equity and mutual gender relations. While some gains have made as to the ordination of women into priesthood and consecration into episcopacy, the struggle continues until biblical gender equity and mutual gender relations are fully realized.


How to Cite
wa Gatumu, K. (2022). Biblical Equity in Africa: Operationalizing and Mainstreaming Selected Pauline Texts on Mutual Gender Relations in the Africa church. African Multidisciplinary Journal of Research, 7(2), 22–25. Retrieved from