Text interpretation of Ruth 4:1-12 through African Eyes: Towards Understanding Cross - Cultural Marriage Using Inculturation Biblical Hermeneutics


Paul Okeno


The story of the Bible cannot be told without the interaction of the church and the culture in which
the church finds herself. It can also be said that the story of the Bible in relation to the expansion
of the church is a cross-cultural story. Inculturation is the adaptation of the Gospel in a culture
and the influence of that culture as to its appropriation. It is a process that moves up and down
through and into the entire life of the church. The whole idea is in the Gospel becoming accustomed
to a culture and the Gospel authentically integrating the permanent values of a culture, rather
than its transient expressions, into people’s life and faith. Inculturating the biblical message needs
a hermeneutical method not only brewed in an African pot, but also relevant and applicable to
world Christianity. Thus, inculturation biblical hermeneutics must always seek to internalize the
biblical message translating it as part of the readers’ life. It is clear that the aim of inculturation
biblical hermeneutics is to inculcate the biblical faith and values into the life of the believer. Also,
the Bible provides the basis of the hermeneutics inculturation. It is critical to note that
inculturation biblical hermeneutics must always seek to internalize the biblical message
translating it as part of the readers’ life. Again, the quest of inculturation biblical hermeneutics is
to root Christianity in the soul of the African Christian. It is a quest to transform the African
Christian such that the Christian will be both African and Christian without apology. This paper
will endeavor to interpret the book of Ruth 4:1-12 using Inculturation Biblical Hermeneutics. It
will deal with three cultural issues found in this text which are: cross cultural marriage, levirate
marriages, and proposal of marriage. The paper begins by establishing the background,
illustrating the interpreter’s context, analyzing the context of interpretation, showing the socialhistorical context of the text, analysis of the context of text, analysis of the text in light of already
analyzed contemporary context, Biblical outlook of mixed marriages, interpretations, and then the
conclusion. Luo traditional community is used as an African example of cultural issues. The
implication of the study is on the identification of realities and context of cross-cultural marriage
and levirate marriage that need to be united and mutually enriched, and the dynamic relationship
between the Christian message and cultures. Thus, mixed marriages are enriching our cultures
and should be encouraged. However, marriage is a cultural issue and thus using inculturation
hermeneutics integrates the permanent values of cultures. The research has used conceptual
research method which is carried out mainly through study of literature.


How to Cite
Okeno, P. (2023). Text interpretation of Ruth 4:1-12 through African Eyes: Towards Understanding Cross - Cultural Marriage Using Inculturation Biblical Hermeneutics. African Multidisciplinary Journal of Research, 8(1), 65–88. Retrieved from http://journals1.spu.ac.ke/index.php/amjr/article/view/219