African Multidisciplinary Journal of Research 2024-09-05T12:06:11+00:00 Dr. Chongombe Djongana Open Journal Systems Thematic Curriculum, Role of Parents, and Quality of Primary Education: A Governance Challenge for the Anglican Church of Uganda 2024-09-05T11:11:36+00:00 Samson Musana <p><em>This scholarly article examines the quality of rural based primary education among the Anglican Church founded primary schools in Uganda, tracing the trends of church-government-parents involvement from the time formal education was introduced in Uganda by European Christian missionaries. The paper displays the governance challenges experienced by the Anglican Church in the implementation process of thematic curriculum that are contributing to the poor quality of primary education. To examine the trends of formal education in Uganda, </em><em>historical-critical hermeneutical</em><em> methodological approach that focuses on </em><em>understanding humanistic literary works </em><em>was relied on. Results show that: a) </em><em>Anglican Christian leadership is incapacitated to manipulate local resources to sustain education programmes established on religious lands; b</em><em>) lack of teacher training in local language classroom management is a pivotal challenge demotivating teachers; c) local language curriculum is written in English which makes it hard for teachers to translate and interpret certain concepts; d) guiding books and phonetic charts that accompany the local language curriculum are in short supply; e) children transiting from local languages to English languages is a serious struggle. Teachers who handle lower primary classes are trained differently from those who handle transition and upper classes; f) class rooms are crowed and this has resulted into high teacher pupil ratio. Big numbers of learners have made it hard for teachers to focus on the unique learning needs of each pupil; and g) non-committal behaviour of parents to the education needs of their children is a serious setback. It is recommended that the Anglican Church of Uganda that is well structured with leadership councils takes the lead in promoting quality education among rural based government aided primary schools established on their religious lands. In addition, the Directorate of Education rolls out a Provincial Newsletter annually detailing academic performances of primary schools in their custody.&nbsp; </em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-09-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Impact of the Mission of the Church on Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa 2024-09-05T11:19:25+00:00 Peter Bwire <p><em>The church has a calling and a mission to fulfill in the society. This study evaluates the church as the agent and an instrument of God’s mission on earth. The assumption of this study is that the character of the church, her vocation, her message and success of her missionary endeavor force her to engage in conflicts and tensions of this world in order to bring peace and justice. The concept of holistic and integral mission that is evangelism and social action is urgent in our world today because of the challenges she is facing: poverty, terrorism and insecurity, plundering of public funds by corrupt individuals, bad governance and negative ethnicity among others which have implications for Muslims as well.&nbsp; The missionary purpose of the church is mission Dei to all nations, cultures and worldviews, Islam included where justice, peace, hope and righteousness remain at the top of the church’s agenda. There are positive and negative effects of the church’s mission on Christian-Muslim relations as whether to convert Muslims or not. Nevertheless, Muslims will always remain alert and suspicious because of the negative historical images and missionary nature of the two religions. This study used the historical analysis method to draw implications of the impact of the church mission on Christian-Muslim relations. The findings of this study are that the mission of the church presents opportunities of collaboration, engagement, dialogue and disagreements for Christian-Muslim relations.</em></p> 2024-09-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Background of New Testament Household Codes: Towards a Historical Evaluation of the Roots Shaping Present-day African Families and Gender Roles 2024-09-05T11:25:39+00:00 Marian Refat <p><em>This article delves into a comparative examination of household codes present in Jewish, Greco-Roman and New Testament traditions so as to unravel their distinct characteristics and implications. By scrutinizing the socio-cultural contexts of each code, we explore the nuanced roles assigned to individuals within the household structure. Moreover, the study evaluates the profound impact of these codes on the position of women in African families. Through this comparative lens, the research seeks to unveil the intersections between ancient household norms and their enduring influence on gender dynamics in contemporary African societies. Insights gained from this exploration contribute to a richer understanding of the historical roots shaping present-day familial structures and gender roles.</em></p> 2024-09-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Crusaders and Their Impact on Christian Muslim Relations 2024-09-05T11:31:59+00:00 Ibrahim Samir <p><em>This article scrutinizes the motivations behind the Crusades initiated by Western European Christians, concentrating on religious, political, and cultural aspects. Analyzing the complex dynamics between Christians and Muslims during this period, marked by both conflict and cooperation. The study delves into various modes of communication, particularly cultural exchange, to foster a nuanced understanding of relationship dynamics. Emphasizing the lasting impact of the Crusades on Christian-Muslim relations, this article addresses the ongoing problem of the impact of the Crusades and their effects on the relationship between Muslims and Christians, whose echoes still resonate in contemporary perspectives. These effects remain engraved in the minds of many to the extent that some believe similar wars could recur today. </em><em>The article aims to bridge the scholarly gap by examining the implications that influence the present relationship between Christians and Muslims, including in the African context. The article adopting a literature-based approach, relies exclusively on library sources for data collection, conducting a comprehensive review of scholarly works, books, and academic journals. This approach aims to gather insights from historical, and comparative perspectives, contributing to a thorough exploration and analysis of the subject matter.</em></p> 2024-09-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Digital Payment Option Adoption and Customer Experience Management among SMES in the Retail Sector 2024-09-05T11:37:56+00:00 Olanipekun Kehinde A. Ayeni Naomi O. <p><em>The global retail sector is characterized by technological innovations and shifting consumer behaviours. The Nigerian retail landscape has been undergoing significant changes marked by the adoption of digital payment options such as automated teller machines (ATMs), point of sale (POS) terminals among others following the global trend but also revealing unique domestic characteristics. While these advancements are transforming the traditional retail paradigms, there remains an empirical void in understanding their direct implications on the customer experience in the Nigerian context. This study aimed to examine the effect of digital payment options adoption on customer experience in the retail sector of Ibadan, Oyo state. The study adopted a descriptive research survey approach, gathering data via questionnaires from a randomised sample (200 respondents) of retailers in Ibadan North-West Local Government, Oyo State. Questionnaires were distributed to retailers that utilise digital payments for their transactions. Results from the study shows the prevalent preference for USSD transactions, chosen by 30% of respondents. This is closely followed by POS transactions at 26.7%, bank app transactions at 22.7%, and ATM transactions accounting for 20.7%. This trajectory denotes a consumer inclination towards instantaneous, non-reliant-on-internet transaction methods like USSD. Quantitative analysis shows a substantial relationship between digital payment integration and enhanced customer experience by 20% (t-20.125, and </em>R<sup>2</sup><em> =0.732, </em>F<sub>(6,117)</sub> = 404.999<em>). Also, a strong positive relationship was observed between digital solutions and customer experience by 11% (t=11.535, and</em> R<sup>2</sup> = 0.675)<em>. The study concluded that digital payment options and digital solutions is necessary in elevating the customer experience among SMEs in the retail sector of Nigeria. The study recommended that retailers, especially in emerging markets like Nigeria, invest in and promote diverse digital payment options while ensuring the robustness and user-friendliness of accompanying digital solutions.</em></p> 2024-09-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Competency-Based Curriculum Journey in Kenya: Teachers' Voices 2024-09-05T11:46:49+00:00 Joseph M. Wairungu Charles M. Magoma <p><em>Sentiment analysis is a resourceful technique in making sense of teachers’ perceptions toward curriculum process. The study used Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) to make sense of teachers’ perceptions toward Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) implementation in Kenya<strong>. </strong>ABSA is a fine-grained natural language processing method used to analyse sentiments from unstructured data (text) at the aspect level.&nbsp; The researchers used text data from local daily newspapers on teachers’ opinions on CBC implementation in Kenya. Using ABSA, the researchers explored how teachers perceive CBC implementation in Kenya, what they consider as emerging issues in CBC implementation, and what they consider as best practices to address the issues. It was established that teachers consider training, teacher shortage, unconducive working environment, and lack of parental support as some of the emerging issues in CBC implementation. Teachers’ perceptions toward CBC implementation vary but the teachers are optimistic that if the government offers more training, create more awareness on the role of parents in the CBC implementation, and employ more teachers, CBC implementation would be successful in Kenya.</em></p> 2024-09-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Influence of Strategic Leadership on the Performance of Public Hospitals in Embu County, Kenya 2024-09-05T11:53:28+00:00 Christopher J. Mutuiri Kinyua <p><em>In Kenya’s current changing business environment, the importance of strategic leadership in ensuring organizational success and effectiveness cannot be overstated. This study presented a comprehensive analysis of strategic leadership in influencing public hospital performance, with a focus on Embu County.</em> <em>The study sought to determine how strategic leadership influences performance levels, employees, and customer satisfaction in public hospitals. The theoretical framework for strategic leadership was developed using the servant leadership theory. From a target population of 350, consisting of 150 healthcare workers and 200 patients, data was collected using questionnaires from a sample size of 140. The 140 respondents comprised 57.2% of clients/ patients and 42.8% of healthcare workers.&nbsp; The distribution of healthcare workers comprised of the following categories: nurse-in-charge 2.9%, ordinary nurses 17.1%, clinical officers-in-charge 2.9%, ordinary clinical officers 17.1% and public hospital’s administrators 2.9%. Descriptive statistics were employed to assess quantitative data using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24.0. </em><em>Ms Excel was also used to draw charts and graphs. </em><em>The findings of the study showed that 85.0% of healthcare workers and 60.0% of clients agreed that public hospitals’ vision and missions affected performance. In addition, 35.0% of healthcare workers and 32.5% of clients agreed that professional specialization impacted the performance of public hospitals. The study recommended public hospitals implement the finest strategic leadership principles, adopt a servant leadership style, implement a robust financial management system, conduct a mandatory review of their strategic objectives, develop a policy on professional specialization and craft measurable, clear, and patient-centered vision and mission statements. In conclusion, this study contributes to the growing body of strategic leadership literature by providing empirical evidence important in fostering organizational success. The insights obtained in the study will have practical implications for public hospital management and Embu County which seek to enhance efficiency in service delivery and ensure overall healthcare workers and customer satisfaction thus fostering sustainable growth.</em></p> 2024-09-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Role of the Church in Kenyan Politics through Social Justice and Christ’s Prophetic Office 2024-09-05T11:59:16+00:00 Tony M. Gesowan <p><em>This paper examines the post-colonial historical involvement of&nbsp;the church in Kenyan politics and its subsequent decline in influence. It argues for the revitalization and perpetuation of the church’s voice in politics, particularly through the lens of social justice and Christ’s Prophetic Office as a model. The church has played a significant role in socio-political transformation in Kenya, and Rev. Dr. Timothy Njoya and other individuals whose activism and leadership exemplified this involvement. Rev. Dr. Njoya and others’ fearless resistance against injustices and dedication to championing social change made them influential figures within the church and the broader society. Their commitment to upholding the principles of justice and equity in the face of political oppression sparked national conversations and motivated others to take action. However, the church has gradually lost its voice in Kenyan politics over the years, resulting in a diminished impact on policy-making and social change. This decline can be attributed to various factors, including the erosion of moral authority, political co-optation, and the prioritization of personal agendas over wider societal concerns. Consequently, the church’s role as a catalyst for positive change has become marginalized, leaving a void in the political landscape. In order to revive and maintain the church’s voice in Kenyan politics, this paper proposes the adoption of a renewed focus on social justice and Christ’s Prophetic Office as a model. By utilizing the prophetic tradition within Christianity, the church can regain its influence and advocate for the voiceless, particularly the most vulnerable in society, who are often marginalized in political discourse. Christ’s Prophetic Office provides a blueprint for engaging with political structures while upholding the values of justice, compassion, and equality. This paper draws on extensive research of existing literature, historical analysis, and interviews to analyze the decline of the church’s voice in Kenyan politics and to propose strategies for its revitalization. It highlights the urgency of&nbsp;the vulnerable inclusion in the political processes and argues that an active, socially-just church can empower them to reclaim their voice and contribute to the development and transformation of Kenyan society.</em></p> 2024-09-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024