Religious Attitudes and Public Pro-Environmental Behaviour in Sub-Saharan Africa: Perspectives from Previous Research and Future Research Directions


Francis R. Njeru
Daniel M. Nzengya


Scholars and practitioners have increasingly postulated that the growth of Christian churches in the SSA presents an untapped opportunity to leverage the government's efforts in the fight against the degradation of natural resources. However, a systematic review of the empirical literature is lacking to uncover gaps related to the role that churches play in influencing pro-environmental attitudes and behaviour. This paper, based on a systematic review on the role of religious institutions towards environmental conservation explored trends on research on religion and involvement in environmental conservation; assessed theories and theoretical gaps over previous research that assessed the role of religious beliefs toward environmental degradation, analyze d how religious based organizations contribute to environmental conservation and evaluate d gaps in knowledge emerging from previous research and define future research direction particularly concerning theoretical, conceptual and methodological relevance particularly for governments within Sub Saharan Africa. Results of the review indicate that two theories , that is the white theory and resource mobilization theory have predomin antly informed previous empirical research related to the role of the church in environmental c onse rvation . Previous research on the role of religion and environmentalism was dominated by scholars from the west. Integration of religion in development plays a great role thus policies can be formulated from the outcome of this review. Different scholars reported that women with religious beliefs were more willing to practice public pro environmental behaviour than t hose without ; theological education had significantly influenced environmental values thus leading to conservation. Future research directi ons relevant to the context of SSA environmental conservation are discussed in the paper

Keywords: Environmental degradation, religiosity, pro-environmental attitudes, environmental conservation, Sub-Saharan Africa


How to Cite
Njeru, F. R., & Nzengya, D. M. (2022). Religious Attitudes and Public Pro-Environmental Behaviour in Sub-Saharan Africa: Perspectives from Previous Research and Future Research Directions. African Multidisciplinary Journal of Research, 225–239. Retrieved from