Interrogation of the Influence of Christian Higher Education Institutions on Spiritual Formation and Liturgical Alignment on Their Staff and Students in Kenya


Nason Vundi


This paper investigated the role of Christian higher education institutions’ (CHEIs) influence on Christian spiritual formation among their staff and students in Kenya. Christian spiritual formation is an essential integral part to intellectual development; therefore, the role of CHEIs in facilitation of Christian spiritual information cannot be overemphasized. Christian spiritual formation has become one of the emergent research fields within Christian CHEIs, however, there are limited studies investigating the role of CHEIs in influencing spiritual formation. But it is widely assumed that CHEIs play a leading role in integration of faith and academic studies and debates. The pathway to spiritual formation has four main approaches: firstly, enhanced spiritual growth leading to positive outcomes in the areas of academic performance and leadership development. Secondly, there is also the adoption of key activities to foster sustainable spiritual development. Thirdly, diverse strategies that my lead to improved spiritual development are employed; fourthly, there is the intentional integration of spiritual formation activities into the classroom. For example integrating faith with academic practices, or simply praying in class before and after the lessons. Spiritual formation is fundamental in the future of development of the students’ character, professionalism and most significantly preparation of future leadership. Christian spiritual formation enables the participating stakeholders for both public and a private dynamic role in sustainable leadership. This is a descriptive study and was guided by three objectives, to: investigate the role of the CHEIs in promoting Christian spiritual formation among the staff and students establish the perceptions of Christian spiritual formation among the staff and students among the CHEIs, determine the programmes implemented in the CHEIs to influence Christian spiritual formation for staff and students; finally, investigate the challenges faced by CHEIs in promoting Christian spiritual formation. A qualitative method was adopted to enable the researcher to have an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon; thus data was collected using an interview guide. The findings of the study are as follows: Christian spiritual formation was seen as an opportunity to promote Christ-entered education, preparation for servant leaders, transformation of the world, deepening of spiritual life and character for staff and students, finding God’s purpose, preparation for next generation of leaders establishment of dynamic CHEIs where social and intellectual engagement takes place; social involvement and leadership development, the HEIs role is to enhance Chapel attendance to have corporate worship, service and community life, chaplaincy services and personalized meetings to have encounter with God; having evangelistic ministries to facilitate participation in transformational ministries, discipleship and pastoral care.


How to Cite
Vundi, N. (2022). Interrogation of the Influence of Christian Higher Education Institutions on Spiritual Formation and Liturgical Alignment on Their Staff and Students in Kenya. African Multidisciplinary Journal of Research, 7(2), 124–148. Retrieved from